
The importance of mastering English to conquer ASEAN Economic Community By. Rasyidah Elqayyimah ( ) ABSTRACT ASEAN Economic Community is an opportunity where each country in ASEAN can compete in marketing and job employment. This economic integration opportunity provides the possibility to each country to develop their products and improve their worker’s quality. Indeed in facing this free market, communication is the main point to interact in ASEAN Economic Community. There are several countries with different culture and language involve in ASEAN Economic Community. As an international language, English has an important role in facing ASEAN Economic Community. Thus, mastering English is a key to conquer ASEAN Economic community. ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is discussed among society in different status such as entrepreneur, youth or student, government, media and so on. AEC is a challenge and a chance at once. It is a challenge to every country
THE BOY WITHOUT A NAME A story by Idreis Shah Well, this is my first entry on 2017, and i wish that everyone could be better in this year :) now, i’m going to make a review about children literature (as my assignment actually :D) children literature is one of the subject in literature class (finally I become literature student ^^) hopefully this is useful for everyone, okay, here is it, check this out!!! Before reading the story                 From the title “the boy without a name”, makes the reader curious about the story. perhaps it seems weird when we found someone without a name. What could be someone without his/ her name. In fact, we find a boy without a name in this story. The title makes this story to be interesting to read because the reader will be curious about the boy. After reading the story                As the title of this short story "the boy without a name" this story tells about a boy who has no name because a wise man come to
Cause Everything Happens For A Reason.. Trust It!! just remember, although you hate something, it might be the best for you while if you love something it might be worse for you. Allah knows better, Allah knows everything, and you know nothing... well, sekarang aku sudah di penghujung tahun ke 2 diperkuliahan, tepatnya di jurusan bahasa inggris UNP. memang pada awalnya amat sulit bagiku untuk menerima takdir kuliah di kota kelahiranku ini. dari dulu, aku selalu memimpikan kuliah diluar kota, pergi merantau dan mendapat banyak pengalaman baru. sungguh, pasti sangat menyenangkan rasanya. kuliah merantau dan jauh dari orangtua juga pasti bisa mengajarkan kita tentang kemandirian dan rasa rindu kepada keluarga. dan banyak lagi hal yang aku bayangkan tentang ini. tapi ternyata takdirNya memberikan hal yang lain. yang aku sendiri sempat sedih dan bingung. bahkan aku larut dalam kegalauan dalam hati ini. tapi, aku selalu berusaha meyakinkan diriku bahwa inilah takdir aku dan bisa jadi
AEC is beneficial             As known that AEC or Asean Economy Community is already starting at the end of 2015. AEC is a program by the government in Asean to creat free market, which is allow product or service from foreign country comes and compete with local products. Otherwise, local products might be compete in international. AEC is beneficial for every country in Asean especially for Indonesia.             AEC can increase the human resources of the country. In fact, AEC can increase the welfare of 600 million people in Asean. Besides it can creat many employments. For instance, when free market starts products and service from foreign country comes and compete with local products and local product can compete in international. So, this is the chance for Indonesian to compete with foreign workers to fill various proffessions in Indonesia or foreign country. Although foreign workers will be able to work in this country, but if Indonesia has a lot of proffessional workers
AEC is beneficial             As known that AEC or Asean Economy Community is already starting at the end of 2015. AEC is a program by the government in Asean to creat free market, which is allow product or service from foreign country comes and compete with local products. Otherwise, local products might be compete in international. AEC is beneficial for every country in Asean especially for Indonesia.             AEC can increase the human resources of the country. In fact, AEC can increase the welfare of 600 million people in Asean. Besides it can creat many employments. For instance, when free market starts products and service from foreign country comes and compete with local products and local product can compete in international. So, this is the chance for Indonesian to compete with foreign workers to fill various proffessions in Indonesia or foreign country. Although foreign workers will be able to work in this country, but if Indonesia has a lot of proffessional workers
Big hero 6 Movie Report   it was my assignments at english department. have a nice read and i hope it's usefully.. :)                                   1.       Genre of the movie Animation, adventure, comedy 2.       Characters       Hiro Hamada : a robot fighter, brave, genius, loving, kind       Tadashi Hamada : Hiro’s brother, genius, kind, loving, never give up, wise       Aunt Cass : kind, loving, care,       Baymax : nurse robot, care, kind, strong, loving, wise       Gogo : smart, deft, attractive       Wasabi : smart, wise       Fred: smart, strange       Honey: smart, loving       Robert Callaghan : loving, bad, defector,       Aleistrei Krei : owner krei-tech, cunning, arrogant 3.       Sypnosis Hiro was interested in university because his brother and decided to join SFIT showcase student and made microbots. Tadashi passed away because of fire after showcase student. One day unintentionally, Hiro activate Baymax and found
Movie Report                                                                           T itle : "The nut job" 1.       Genre of the movie This is an animation movie. 2.       Characters       Surly : brilliant squirrel, brave, wise, headstrong,       Buddy : loyal rat, kind, quiet, obedient       Andy : loving, wise, reliable, obedient       Grayson : attractive, strong,       Racoon : cunning, bad, pretend,   defector, 3.       Sypnosis   Some squirrels which are lived together in city park, but not for surly which is hated by his friends.The other squirrels, led by racoon has been collected some foods in oak tree for supplies at winter, but involuntary surly made it burned. He expelled from that park and lived in the city with buddy a rat. Racoon sent andy,   grayson and other squirrels to find foods in the city, but they met surly which has got foods, so they do some deal and find food together. at last they realize that Racoon has a bad